
070;; Untitled

I kept telling myself for my sanity I need to keep updating this, if for nothing else a means of small distraction... I just can't bring myself to do it. I rarely feel like anything I have to say or do is thought provoking enough to warrant taking the time to come type it out or deal with the finessing required for my OCD to publish. However, this update is more or less a documented proof of some things that I want to remind myself of...

So here it goes.

I now have a goal to get two MFA degrees once I complete my BFA in January of 2015.
Graphic Design & Photography.
With two degrees I have every confidence that I can get a job doing what I want to do in the movie industry or even in publishing as a book cover artist. I will also also have the proper critical thinking background to do higher end client work in the Graphic Design field for freelance.
Also, I will be able to teach part-time or full-time when the time comes that I will want to (and that time will come, I already can tell).

I'm attending TypeCon in Portl& (Portland) in two weeks. This is a major gathering of typography geeks gurus. I have no doubt that it will be slightly overwhelming - but at the same time I feel like this is the kind of thing I need to do in order to be successful. It's an amazing networking opportunity. Regardless of whether or not I know what the hell is going on.

I went to Newport, Oregon a couple of weekends ago and it was my first time at the beach in years. I mean YEARS. Like almost 8 years. Anyway, naturally I took my camera with me (I may upload photos later) and it felt good. I haven't had my camera with me for more than an hour or two for over a year probably; so to have it around my neck or in my bag consistently for two whole days was amazing. If getting an MFA in Photography is something that I want am going to do then I suppose I should start taking pictures again. =)

xoxo, S