
045;; Humdeedum

I feel anxious.

I don't know if it's anticipation for so much happening within the next few months or what...
But I'm getting sick of it.

My first five and a half week block of classes start tomorrow.
That's a mandatory four days a week, at least one hour a day sign on.

My yard/garage/moving sale is July 28th (and if need be, the 29th also).

September 15th is when my online classes end.
I'm assuming move-in is the following week, which means a few days after this I will be packing up all my crap and driving, driving, driving.

October 1st. I'll be a full-time Art Institute of Portland student and resident. Yikes.

Sometime in August I've also got to set up a meeting with a real estate agent (the amazing Ms. Wilson, so no worries) to take a look at my mom's house so we can see what all needs to be done to sell this fall/winter/whatever.

I know I shouldn't be stressed, but with only 2? months left really I feel like there's no other option. I've got so much to do. So much stuff to go through and throw away or sell... It's just ridiculous. Not to mention I still have to find time to do everything else I'm trying to do (the art pieces and the healthy living nonsense).

Oh, and speaking of... let me tell you how stupid it is for this fat kid to try to do 100 jumping jacks in a day after not doing any for 5 years. Dumb.

Oh well.

Things will work out, right?


  1. As a current resident of Astoria, 'bout two hours west of Portland, I can tell you Portland is one of my favorite places. It just doesn't get more creative than the Institute in terms of peeps. Congrats!

    1. Thank you! That's what everyone keeps telling me. My uncle's wife's parents asked if I was still planning to move to Portland, and when I responded yes, they just said I'd fit in perfectly there. They're very (how to put this nicely...) conservative-type people I think so to them the city is weird and too artsy - but I can't wait!

      I'm excited. I just wish I could go now and didn't have to wait 2 months.

      xo Sara
