
048;; Will I?

You know my favourite thing about moving to a new place?

You can be anyone you want to be.

I don't really mean that you should try to be something you're not - but you have an invaluable opportunity to revamp yourself. It's like kindergarten and someone you talk to for five minutes can be your new best friend. I love when I move because then I'm free to be me. There are no predispositions of what I should be, or how I should act... & I love it.

For the most part I grew up in a small town (by my standards) of 17,000 people. At least that's what our town's website tells me. Or maybe it was wikipedia... I'm not sure. Either way... there are enough people here where you don't know all your neighbors, but more than likely everyone knows someone in your family. As that seems to turn out, it means they know more about you than you would like them to.

I was always "that art girl" or "goth girl" in school when I moved back from North Carolina. I won't deny either of those claims, but it's really impossible to try to shake names like that. Yes, I have always saturated my time with art - it's my passion. Yes, I used to dress in a style that fancied a more gothic appeal. That's all that matters to them.

I have people I don't even know who apparently know I was going to school for photography. I mean... this lady is a cashier at CVS and just randomly asked me one day about it. I'm sure shouting, "WHO ARE YOU?!" at her would have been rude, but it's all I wanted to do.

Oh well.

People like to talk. They've always liked to talk. If it means that people in this community will never forget me? Who am I to argue?

Back to my original point... I'm actually NERVOUS about moving to Portland. I'm so utterly excited about it - but I'm afraid I'm not going to have any friends! I freak out about this every single time I relocate. You'd think after three major moves in my life I'd be used to this type of feeling. Wrong.
 It's strange how it seems that when I move though, I make the best friends... Time to be hopeful.


  1. Aw, Sara! I don't think that's all that matters to people! I hope you enjoy reinventing your image as you see fit :) Your cat is so beautiful. Having you as the photographer doesn't hurt either.
    xo bhrett

    1. He's a ham.
      & I am more or less excited to move again because that tends to be when I'm the most comfortable to do things like dye my hair unnatural shades and get new tattoos. I've put a huge halt on those things since I moved back.

