
006;; Inspiration and things..

Being suck in this small town has sucked out most of the inspiration that I once had to create a lot of the artwork I used to. It's the very reason I cling so heavily to my books, my music, and even my games. It's an escape. Diablo III may have consumed most of my time over the past several weeks, but it's story has inspired me to start working on a few series of photomanipulations. The artwork in that game is breathtaking, and sometimes makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I'm truly jealous of the talent in their environment artists.

Books have always been a huge inspiration to me. It might be why when I move (4 times so far on my own) it seems like every box I unload is books, or has books in it. It's killing to me to think of what I'm going to do if I move to Portland and can't take them all right away. A few essentials will go, obviously.. Harry Potter, The Immortal Instruments, The Hunger Games, Anita Blake.. etc. In all my spare time, however, I've been looking for new books to read. & I'm not honestly sure where I stumbled upon Alma Katsu and her writings.. but from reading reviews and the first chapter I can honestly say I am super excited to finish it.


On a less depressing note: 

I have a photoshoot that I'm going to steal the beautiful Sara Morrison for soon. ♥

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